Saturday, 21 May 2011

Visit from a Stranger

We had an unusual experience last night… we actually saw the Nocturnal Child.  I'm not making this up, it really was her.  In person.  Despite the fact that she was not at college, we hadn’t seen her for days, although there has been the usual trail of dirty dishes and destruction to evidence that she is still alive. 

She came into the front room at about 10pm, in pyjamas, looking like something the cat dragged in.  I almost didn’t recognise her.  No really… her hair has, at some point this week, changed from brown to a very dodgy orangey/blonde.  It looks like a bit of a peroxide disaster… trying to strip the brown dye out of her naturally blonde hair. 

She dyes her hair as often as most people change their bed sheets, and being of a changeable nature, tends to go from one extreme of colour to another.  It’s as dry as straw, with split ends so bad that it’s permanently frizzy.  I keep warning her but to no avail.  One morning she’s going to get out of bed and her hair will still be on the pillow… watch this space…

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