Saturday, 4 June 2011

Poor Old Scatman

Our poor old cat is terribly bullied by one of the neighbours' cats.  The animal in question is an absolutely huge ginger tom who bears more than as passing resemblance to a mountain lion.  He can take out a fully grown rabbit with ease and I have seen him effortlessly scale our 6' high fence with one in his mouth.  Now, about 10 months ago, Nelson (possibly named for the wresting move?) took a dislike to our lovely Scatman.  It took 5 trips to the vet, an operation and countless courses of antibiotics to clear the infection in the wound inflicted by this vile creature.  There have been many other occasions since when our baby has come in injured. 

However, last night was possibly the worse so far.  The male child arrived home from work at about 3.30am and came banging on our bedroom door because the cat had run into the house and was bleeding.  And boy, was he.  Every time he shook his head he left a spray of blood on the wall/couch/floor etc.  He is usually a very talkative feline, but he didn't make a sound... not even a purr.  I debated calling the out of hours vet but he didn't seem to be in any danger of exsanguinating so the male child sat up with him until the vet opened this morning. 

Because of the location of the worse wound, and the fact that it was still bleeding freely, the vet was reluctant to stitch his face as she was concerned that a haemotoma would form.  So my beautiful fat baby is now pumped full of antibiotics, anti-inflamatories and painkillers and is sporting a very unfashionable pressure bandage which has been sticky taped (yes, taped) onto his head to look like he is wearing Y-fronts as a hat.  That's going to hurt when they take it off to re-dress the wound on Monday!

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