I'm absolutely convinced that we have a ghost. Not just any old ghost... oh no. Better than that... a poltergeist. And it's an especially mischievous poltergeist that hides things, at that.
It particularly likes socks, gloves, school books, sheet music and dancing shoes. For example, I buy socks in pairs, see them on peoples' feet once and then end up with a washing basket full of singles. I've got to the point now where I don't even bother trying to pair them up... if they don't come out of the washing machine in twos, I just buy more. Gloves too are becoming disposable in this house... wear them, lose one, buy a new pair. School reading books fare no better; Charlie and the Chocolate Factory came into the house one Friday and had vanished by Monday morning. Just this evening when it came time to practice, the piano music was nowhere to be found. YD swore blind that she had put her music on top of the piano when we came in on Friday, yet her music folder has gone. It turns out that the missing dancing shoes that I have been searching frantically for since Saturday, haven't actually been seen since before Christmas so are having to be replaced. By now they could be absolutely anywhere.
I honestly have no idea know where these things go. OK, I'll admit that we don't live in the tidiest house in the world, but who does? It's a home, not a show home. But there are only so many places that things can be put and once you've exhausted those avenues of investigation, where else is there to look?
The most convincing piece of evidence for my ghost theory is the fact that sooner or later, most of the missing items turn up. Sometimes in other people's bedrooms, maybe in a dresser drawer, in the boot of the car, down the back of the piano, under the couch, at the bottom of the washing basket and so on. Now no reasonable person would purposely put things in such outlandish places, so it must be the poltergeist. There's simply no other explanation... unless there is some kind of mobile vortex in the property that sucks in our essential items, spitting them out again in a different location at a later point in time once it is sure their usefulness is obsolete.
Anyway, must dash... just need to find my car keys...
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